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Commercial vs Transactional | What's the difference?

Commercial vs Transactional

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Commercial vs Transactional

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Commercial & Transactional Emails In One

Sometimes, communications have content that is both transactional and commercial creating a gray space. But the truth is it's still black and white.

Transactional Messages

  • For a message to be considered transactional, the required content must be reflected in the subject line and be the first, primary content of the email body.
  • In other words, a message should not be sent transactionally if:
    • a tidbit of required information is buried in the email OR
    • the subject line promotes a product or service (commercial).
  • A common example includes newsletters, which rarely contain critical information. 'Important' information is not the same as 'required' information.

Learn more about complying with the CAN SPAM Act, directly from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Complying with the CAN SPAM Act, FTC

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